Saturday, 19 June 2010

Giving up...for now

Following on from my last post, I hadn't got round to trying riding my bike again. I had plenty excuses...the weather, time, other things I wanted/needed to do but, in the end, that's just what they were - excuses.After 2 months of putting off riding, I was "definitely" going to try again last weekend.

I help with a youth club, about 8 miles from where I live. On the way home from it last Friday (i.e the day before I was "definitely" going to get back in the saddle) I thought about my bike and riding it. It occurred to me I was just kidding myself that, for now at least, I'd be back riding. I only really took my bike out for short trips to go to places/things I am/did help with. I never quite got the idea or point of my hubbie and I taking taking 2 bikes for a run, even when he had the Pan. Now he has the Wing, why would I do100+ miles on a semi-comfy seat or sit like lady muck on the armchair which is the Wing pillion seat? To me, there's no contest.

Also, I thought, if I haven't riding since February last year, am just putting it off. If I had really wanted to ride my bike again, I would have by now. So, I decided, on that 15 minute journey home, to sell my bike.

My hubbie and I have a friend who is going to get her bike licence, so we gave her first refusal. Last night we popped round with the hornet and she loved it. Sold. I'm pleased it's going where it'll be appreciated and used. Better that than me putting off the inevitable and letting the machine rot in the garden. That's one thing I had decided I wasn't going to do.

I must admit I'm disappointed about this. I went to a lot of effort to get my licence, including passing with 2 cracked ribs and a broken finger. I still have my licence and there's nothing to stop me changing my mind. At the moment, though, I'm happy riding pillion, enjoying the scenery and chatting to my hubbie as we go along.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Bottling it

I had a go of my bike last Sunday and, bottled it. I managed to get it to move about 12", then just couldn't find the bite again. I had just got myself so worked up.

I'll try again tomorrow, if the weather is kind. If I still think "what am I doing?", I'll have to seriously consider getting rid of it. I like the size and look of the Honda CBF125. I know it would be back to a 125, but if that's what if takes to get back on 2 wheels, especially after what Spot and I went through last year, is no shame.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Where has the time gone

I haven't updated this blog for ages. No, I haven't foine away, I just haven't had much to say.

The weather has been poor for most of the autumn and winter, so not much riding for either Mr Gerbil or me. I have been out a few times on the goldwing 2-up in the last couple of weeks. I'm really enjoying it, so that's good.

I haven't been back on my hornet. Partly the weather, but also things on it needing attention. The battery had died, despite being in the house and kept topped up. Probably because it's not been used. After several charges and discharges it seems fine. Then, the throttle return cable was broken, do that needed replaced. It's fixed now, thankfully.

I'm hoping on the next 2-3 weeks I can get back on my own bike. Mr Gerbil'll take it somewhere quiet and I'll have a shot. Them take it from there. Hopefully, it'll be fine.

The restriction on my licence to 33bhp has now expired!!! So, legally I could ride Mr Gerbil's bike. I think I may learn to walk before I run.

So, that's what's happening now. Going 2-up on the 'wing tomorrow with a group of other bikes tomorrow. It should be a good run and we're all looking forward to it. Pictures and story will follow.