Tuesday 18 August 2009


Today my hubbie phoned the procurator fiscal office to which the police had referred the charges levelled against the driver who pulled out in front of us. The procurator fiscal makes decisions on whether or not to pursue the criminal case and take it to court.

In the case of our crash, the procurator fiscal has decided not to pursue the criminal case! Apparently they believe it can be dealt with through the appropriate civil channels. I.e. us pursuing the insurers of the driver.

So, the driver caused us to be injured to an extent where we required surgery. Both her car and our motorbike were written off and she could have killed us. What does she get? Nothing. There will be no points on her licence nor a fine. My hubbie and I will have a piece of metal and substantial scar for the rest of our lives.

It's not that I think points and a fine would change things nor necessarily amend her behaviour, but at least the authorities would have acknowledged the dangerous nature of her driving. Personally I would have preferred her to have to re-sit her test. That would have modified her driving.

What I find particularly annoying is if someone's done for speeding, they automatically get at least 3 points on their licence and a £60 fine. Now I'm not condoning speeding, but they haven't put anyone in direct danger. Yet, a driver pulls out in front of a motorcyclist, injures both the rider and the pillion and causes thousands of pound worth of damage and nothing happens.

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