Sunday 31 August 2008

My gammy knee

As planned, we took our bikes to church today and left them parked outside for both the normal service and the afternoon one, with the Moderator. It makes a statement and the Moderator's wife (who we'd met before) recognise the Pan.

I wasn't able to ride my bike home. I have a bit of a gammy knee. It's behaved itself quite well for the last few years, but is aggravated with damp weather. This year has been rather moist.

During the service, I was doing one of the readings and was "aware" of my knee; no worse than normal when it becomes "present". As I was helping to clear up the church after the Moderator's service, I turned and felt a pain like my knee being stabbed. Not pleasant, but not always lasting. This time it was. A couple of times after that I was standing, but my knee stated not supporting me. I sat down.

Although it's my right knee, I didn't want to risk riding my bike home. I'd hate for the stabbing pain to recur during one the country road stretches. The initial logistics were my OH would ride my bike home, drive the car to the church and I'd drive home (driving's okay; no weight). A friend took pity on me and gave me a lift home and my OH a lift back to the church. My OH still rode my bike home. I hope it gets better, I'm loathed to go to the doctors. Doctor's are for ill people. An occasionally sore knee isn't an illness. Somehow, I think I'm going to get "advice" from people on what I should do...maybe I'll take it.

Normally, this only lasts a couple of days, so I'll worry about it when it really starts to get in the way of me doing things.

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