Wednesday 10 September 2008

Broken Spring

Last week, my OH was doing someone in his office a favour by going to Mothercare to get gift vouchers for a colleague's new baby. On the way back, there was an awful rattle from the car as it coughed up part of the front nearside spring. This must have been the car's way of celebrating getting 100,000 miles on the clock.

Fortunately, it was only a small part of the spring, resulting in the car sagging at the front nearside corner by 5-6mm. There was a little difference in the handling, but nothing major. That said, we didn't want to use the car too much and the spring needed replaces.

So, this is the third day we've commuted to work on the Pan. The mechanic we take the car to didn't have any space until Tuesday (they're always very busy). We thought we might get the car back yesterday, but the spring wasn't going to arrive until today. No great shake, as we have the 2 bikes.

The commute has been not too bad, though I still wet myself when my OH is filtering is a relatively narrow gap. Though this morning, it was fairly windy and we have to cross an exposed bridge. That was quite hairy in parts and I wasn't even driving it!!!

The good news for the commute home tonight is the wind should have died down. The bad news is it should be raining. We both "prefer" rain. Wind is too destabilising.

Just hope the car's ready to be picked up tonight. Although neither of us mind commuting on the Pan, we'd rather be in the car. There's a radio, heating and shelter from the elements. Okay, you can't filter, but that's the choice we make.

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