Tuesday 28 April 2009

Back to work

My hubbie and I go back to work tomorrow, after over 9 weeks off. We were planning to return last week, when our sick line expired, but our office won't take us back until we've been signed back.

The first appointment we could get to be signed back was yesterday. It was an appointment for my hubbie (I couldn't get one until today!!!), but I went along as we've got exactly the same thing wrong with us. Thought, as getting signed back is a formality, we could get both our forms at the same time.

Well, the doctor was happy to sign both our forms, but had never heard of any business insisting their employees get signed back. I've since discovered there used to be a back to work form the doctor signed, but that was done away with years ago.

My hubbie then called the person in HR who we've been dealing with. Now, we had been offered part-time return to work. Basically, get paid our full wages, but over up to 8 weeks work part time hours. As we'd been offered that we had to have a caveat on the sick line (that's all it was, it just had a "expiry" date), stating we were suitable for a phased return to work.

So, we headed back to the doctors, apologised profusely to a somewhat surprised doctor, and got an additional note added. I didn't think going back to work after being off sick would be so much hassle.

I've looking forward to going back. I need a bit of routine back, though tomorrow will be hard as we get up for work at 5:30ish!!! Haven't done that for over 9 weeks. We're starting on 4 hour days, so by the time we've checked out e-mail in-boxes, gone through stuff on our desks, caught up with notices on the intranet and had meetings with HR and our respective line managers, it'll be time to come home.

In other news, my hubbie has just found some "interesting" vegetables in the fridge. Mmh, yes I need a routine - my cleaning schedule is all to pot!!!

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