Thursday 30 April 2009

Back to work (2)

Well, it was fairly painless. My hubbie and I have been given a phased return to work on a part-time basis. This week we're just doing 4 hour days. Perfect to break ourselves in.

It was quite good being back. It'll get us into a better routine. Also, everyone I've spoken to has been really supportive and concerned about how we've been.

Getting back to normal. Well, normal for us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Read this with great interest as vaw off work for 5 months last year (think I work for same employer as you). It was real hassle just getting back and to be honest at first I wanted to just do my full shift and was annoyed at just doing a short day. But after the first full week really appreciated it and the gradual build up.

Glad you are both okay and lets see if a Goldwing is in the stars!
