Monday 9 July 2007

In other news...

For the next few days, my OH and I will be commuting on the bike as some total idiot of a car driver decided to pull out in front of us. We were driving along a straight road with unrestricted visibility for at least 3/4 mile in each direction. As we were coming in line with an entrance to a pub car park, a guy in an MPV decided not to look and pull out in front of us. Then, when my OH got out of the car to "discuss" matters with the other driver, he had the indignity to ask "Why don't you swerve out of my way?"....err, like you shouldn't have pulled out and my OH (who, as you may have gathered was driving at the time) didn't have time to react. Needless to say, he can wave goodbye to his no-claims discount.

Fortunately, but my OH and I were fine. The car took the impact on the nearside wing, bumper and headlight. At least the car's fixable or replaceable; people aren't. I'm only glad we weren't on the bike, as we would have become road fodder and may have still been in hospital. So please, guys, look properly before pulling out at a junction.

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